MAQS’ sustainability group is integrated with the firm’s other operational groups. We work actively with sustainability both internally and externally based on internationally recognized guidelines and standards for sustainable business such as the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies, the UN Global Compact and the UN guiding principles for companies and human rights. We help to identify and manage business risks and business opportunities in day-to-day operations as well as in for investigations and crisis management.
Today, work with strategic sustainability planning is an absolute prerequisite for long-term creation of value in the form of a strong trademark, improved competitiveness and increased profitability. Globalization and digitalization challenges and places demands on businesses to work actively with sustainability issues in order to promote a green economy that is socially and ecologically sustainable in the long-term.
Awareness and understanding of sustainability issues from a business perspective is essential to be able to contribute with knowledge and business benefits in our advice. Therefore, sustainability is an obvious part of our own business.