
Christina Berggren is the head of MAQS’ industry group for Retail and has extensive experience working with major national and international groups of companies within fashion, furniture, cosmetics, food, and beverage.

Christina regularly advises companies and authorities on the commercialization and protection of intellectual property rights such as trademarks, company and domain names, patents, designs, and copyright. She also works with media law mainly within print, digital, and social media in issues such as copyright, freedom of press and speech, ethical rules, data security, privacy issues, and special regulations such as the BBS law.

Visit MAQS Retail to find out more.




MAQS Advokatbyrå, 2003-

Ernst & Young, Corporate Lawyer, 2001-2002

Awapatent, Lawyer and EU trademark representative, 1994-2001

Court of Appeal for Skåne och Blekinge, Reporting Clerk 1993-1994

Helsingborg District Court, Law Clerk, 1991-1993


Stockholm University Advanced, Intellectual Property Rights, 1997

Lund University, LL.M., 1991


Swedish Bar Association, 2005-

Västsvenska Immaterialrättsklubben (VIRK)

AIPPI´s Executive Committee for Sweden

International Trademark Association (INTA)

Swedish Association for the Protection of Industrial (SFIR)

Other information

Christina is involved in MAQS’ partnership with Right Livelihood Foundation.